Revenue Growth Management Services
Loyal customers – they don’t just come back. They don’t simply recommend you. They insist that their friends do business with you. Chip Bell
Brand Strategy Executive Round Table
This workshop is for C-Suite executive teams who want to take their “brand power” to the next level. Learn how to create an unbeatable brand strategy the gives you an unfair competitive advantage that fuels market expansion.
A consistent brand experience is your brand personality. It creates an emotional connection with your customers that builds brand loyalty. Innovation is the key to sustainable growth and your path to market domination.
C-suite leaders need to find the right balance of brand experience consistency and innovation and validate their strategies on the front lines.
Revenue Growth Management Audit
Find out how you rank across 8 categories of brand management that support sustainable revenue growth. We'll look at the quality of the brand experience and level of engagement in each category.
You'll receive your "Return on Relationships" score with a report on how you rank compared to your peers in each category. Now you are ready to create an revenue growth management plan.
Revenue Growth Management Plan
Now you have alignment on your brand strategy and feedback on your Revenue Growth Management systems. It's time to identify HOW to put the WOW in your brand experience!
Look for opportunities to optimize your customer service, customer experience, employee experience, marketing ROI and team performance.
Prioritize growth initiatives using a cost/benefit matrix. Lowing hanging fruit + biggest impact. Create a revenue growth management plan to get your flywheel spinning!
Get more from your technology spend by removing redundancies, connecting systems, and integrating data. Create a step by step revenue growth management project plan. Assign accountabilities, timelines and key performance indicators. Celebrate your successes!
Revenue Growth System Implementation
Get your Revenue Growth Flywheel spinning to continuously improve your brand experience and drive growth. ​
This 6 month implementation program to support your revenue growth management teams in predictably driving growth with realtime customer experience management, team engagement and communications management, automated marketing personalization and AI assisted performance management.
It includes access to our digital engagement and AI tools to get your showing results immediately. We'll ensure best practices for Revenue Growth Management Project Implementation (XM PMIs).
On completion you can watch your Revenue Growth Flywheel spin as you effortlessly achieve and exceed your growth targets.